Become A Sponsor
Being a sponsor of 2021 Prairie Regional Championship, will prove a tremendous benefit to both your business and those who participate.
All sponsors will be published in our catalogue and website, as well announced during the event and at the awards ceremony. This is a wonderful way to advertise while supporting the sport!

Sponsorship Packages
Basic Sponsorship
1. Mention of your business (or name) in our event catalogue.
2. Mention of your business (or name) on our website.
Silver Sponsorship
1. One small banner at our event.
2. Link to your website from ours
3. Quarter-page advertisement in our catalogue.
Bronze Sponsorship
1. Poster advertisement at the event.
2. Mention of your business (or name) in our catalogue.
3. Mention of your business (or name) on our website.
Gold Sponsorship
1. One Large Banner at the event.
2. Link to your website & other online advertisements.
3. Half page advertisement in our event catalogue.